Planting trees through our Green Tickets
Our Green Tickets purchase carbon credits globally and help plant native trees in Australia. To date we’ve planted 857 trees through the not for profit, Trees For Life.
Living in a spotted gum forest
Scotland Island and the Western Foreshores of Pittwater are spotted gum forest, which is an endangered ecological community.
In view of the small size of existing remnants, the Pittwater spotted gum forest is likely to become extinct. For more information, go to the Pittwater Council Website.
Here’s what we encourage you to do:
- Value natives on your block and maintain a diverse community.
- Save your natural soil profile, it contains dormant seeds that can regenerate naturally.
- Let natural mulch reduce erosion and retain moisture.
- Encourage regeneration on your block – is there room for a spotted gum or two?
- Identify, control and remove weeds.
- Plant local natives associated with spotted gum forest.
- Limit the use of fertiliser – it encourages weeds.